About Astrology
Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal position and on the way they relate to one another.
The aspects formed between the planets describe these relationships, the positions of the planets in relation to the place of birth tell us of their expression in the spheres of life depicted by the astrological houses.
By interpreting the roles of these players (the planets) and their qualities (the elements, signs and houses) and creating a synthesis, astrology is able to present a complete and comprehensive picture of the person and his potential, based on the natal horoscope.
Vedic Astrology is an ancient Indian science which explains planetary motions and positions with respect to time and their effect on humans and other entities on earth. Vedic astrology can be traced thousands of years back. Early Vedic astrology was only based on the movement of planets with respect to stars, but later on it started including zodiac signs as well. According to Vedic astrology there are 27 constellations made up of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life. Depending on when a person is born, the 12 signs are distributed among the 12 houses and 9 planets are placed in various houses. This visual representation of the snapshot of the signs and planets is called a horoscope chart. Vedic astrology is nothing but interpreting the meaning of these arrangements as it applies to humans and other entities.
Vedic astrology (Jyotisha) has three main branches:
Siddhanta (Astronomy): Astronomy & its application to astrology
Samhita (Mundane astrology): Covers Mundane astrology, predicting important events related to countries such as war, earth quakes, political events, astro – meteorology, financial positions, electional astrology; house & construction related matters (Vaastu Shaastra), animals, portents & omens etc.
Hora (Predictive Astrology)
Forms of Astrology:
(1) Kundli Science – It is the most accurate and an easy-to-acquire science, in this shastra individual’s birth-chart is made by considering his birth-date, birth-time and birth-place, which provides the detailed description of all his predictions from the time of his birth till death.
(2) Vastu Shastra – “Vasanti Yatra Manavah”, means the place where person reside its vastu effects him. Vastu shastra is basically defined as the complete knowledge related to the angles and directions of the individual’s house or workplace. It also positively effects the energy of the place i.e.it enhances the positive energy an area by reducing the negative energies.
(3) Palmistry – It is another popular form of astrology, involving characterization and foretelling of one’s future through the study of the lines, shapes, wrinkles and curves on the palm.
(4) Samudrik Anglakshan Shastra – In this shastra predictions are given depending on the body structure. The predictions of different body parts i.e. from head to toe for female/male bodies are different.
(5) Numerology – It is defined as the study of the occult meanings of numbers and their influence on human life. It is essentially a reading of an individual based specifically upon numerical values such as their date of birth, letters in their names, etc.
(6) Hora Science – An individual acquires this science through his spiritual power and is then able to provide predictions for others.
(7) Dream Science – Dreams have always been a mystery to mankind. It is not an ordinary vision that someone experiences while sleeping rather it is an indication of one’s past, present and future happenings. Every dream provides an indication which is to be interpreted/ predicted by the astrologer.
(8) Shakun Shastra – One of the branches of astrology where an astrologer can predict the outcome of a question just by observing the changes in the environment is known as Shakun Shastra or astrology of omens.
(9) Signature Reading – In this the prediction is provided by acknowledging the signature of a person.
(10) Crystal Ball – This is a ball made of glass which is viewed by a crystal ball expert who then provides early answers to one’s asked questions by analyzing it.
(11) Ramal Shastra – It is a group of system, traditions and beliefs which explains that the relative positions of celestial bodies and related details can provide information about personality, human affairs and other earthly matters. In this shastra with the help of special dices predictions are done.
(12) Planchet – In this according to woodoism the future of an individual is provided.
(13) Graphology – In this science the predictions are provided by acknowledging the handwriting of a person.
(14) Hypnotism – It is a very deep and subtle alteration or distortion of the brain of a human-being so that it responds in certain ways and not in others.
(15) Tarot and Playing Card Reading – It is a fortune-telling or divination using a deck of cards.
(16) Telepathy – Transmission of thoughts from one to another of two minds that presumably are in attunement or affinity without the aid of any orthodox means of communication through ordinary channels of sensation, with the help of this science an astrologer provides predictions/answers to one’s questions.
(17) Phrenology – It is a discipline that involved linking bumps on a person’s head to certain aspects of the individual’s personality and character.