Late Marriage Reasons & remedies

Late-Marriage: Reasons and Their remedies by Dr. Jitendra Vyas  

images Marriage is a great problem to many. Many marriages are happened only in later stage and parents are worrying for the marriages not taking place in time. There are many reasons are accountable for the late marriage like:- Mars Dosha, Planets disposition, Pitru Dosha, Kalatra Dosha, Guru Dosha, Sukra Dosha and Mangalya Dosha. So in this Blog I have discussed about these doshas and their remedies?

 In Vedic tradition some kinds of holiness is imported to marriage and treated as a sacred one and made an instrument to setting up a new family and move in the righteous path. The vedic rituals are being done by male and female and it cannot be done by male or female alone. Thus sage Manu in his Manusmrithi explains that in any kind of socioreligious performance, one is deemed to be complete without presence of his counterpart. Here some doshas or a bad combination of planets makes marriage a hurdle. Let us see the various doshas and its impact.

Mars Dosha:- Mars is playing an important role in shaping marriage. For chasing the suitable horoscopes for Mars Dosha Jathakams involve volume of time. One must take the potentiality of Moon, Venus, 7th Bhava, and the planets deposited in the 7th Bhava. Besides that generally the prospects of 4, 5 and 9the houses must be examined particularly. If Mars is in 1,4,7,8 and 12 houses in the horoscope for any ascendant, it is called Mars Dosha. Mars Dosha bride must be settled for Mars bride-groom. This will consume volume of time for the marriage. So marriage will be delayed one. Note: – if any cruel planet like sun, Saturn, rahu-ketu is also sitting in 1,4,7,8,12 bhava then jataka will have multiplied Mars Dosha.

Remedies: – Do (1) Ghat Vivah for male (2) Vat Vivah, (3) Shaligram Vivah for female only

(4) Wear Saptmesha Bisa Yantra pendent.

(5) Wear mangal Bisa yantra pendent.

 Planet’s Position:-The strength of the Ascendant, deposit of Moon, fertility of Venus, structure of 7th house and the lord of 7th house and the aspect of malefic and benefic planets to the 7th house must be taken in to consideration for the speedy marriage. The above aspects are not in proper position; the marriage will be in late. If Moon and Saturn are in Punarpoo in nature in the 7th place, then marriage will be late. If he lord of the 7th place is will debilitation and too in malefic sign or in 6, 8, 12 places, the marriage will be delayed.

Pitri Dosha:-If the Sun and rahu is in the 2nd place or in the 7th place in the horoscope as per the ascendant or as per the Chandra lagna and if rahu is in 4th or 5th    bhava in lagna then the Pitra Dosha is effected for the marriage, According to this dosha, marriage will not be happened quickly and it may be delayed. Father will be having the habit of picking holes and postponing the marriage telling some defects in every bride-groom or bride. Thus he may be a cause for the delay. For remedy he should not interfere in the marriage matter. Otherwise he may go to the Sun temple and pray the Almighty for the removal of obstacles in the way of marriage by doing some parikarams.

Remedies: – Do(1)Pitra dosha Shanti Pooja karm, (2) Do Havnatmak shanty of Rahu and Ketu. 

Kalatra dosha:-If the Venus is in the 7th place, it is kalatra dosha. According to the Jothidasastra rules “karako Bhava Nasti” Karakan should not be in its sthanam. The fertility of the 7th place is affected. So marriage may be delayed. If the Venus andMars are together in the Kalatrasthanam marriage aspect will be spoiled and marriage may be delayed by having illegal connectionwith other ladies. If the lord of 7th place is in debilitation nature or debilitated planets should not be in the 7th place. This is also the reason for the delay. Saturn should not be exalted or in the own house in the 7th place, for Cancer and Leo ascendants.For Gemini and Virgo ascendants, Jupiter should not be exalted or in the own house in the 7the place. For above said ascendants,delayed marriage is the chance for them. For Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants, Mercury should not be exalted or in theown house in the 7the place in horoscope. The lord of 7th placeshould not be in 6, 8 and 12 houses. This also delays the quickmarriage. The lord of 6, 8, and 12 houses should not be in the 7th house. This also leads to late marriage. Remedies: – (1) Wear Saptmesha Bisa Yantra pendent. (2) Wear vinayak Bisa yantra. 

Venus Dosha :-If Venus is debilitation in the horoscope, the native cannot enjoy and cannot satisfy the other sex. Naturally they have less interest in marriage. This is one of the reasons for the late marriage. Remedies: – Wear Shukra Bisa Yantra pendent.

Jupiter Dosha :If the Jupiter is in debilitation in the horoscope, the fertility of sperm is in question. There is remote chance for children and if the children are available, they will be separated from the parents. Remedies: – Wear Guru Bisa Yantra pendent.

Mangalya Dosha :- Mangalyasthanam is a holy places for ladies. 8th place is mangalysthanam as per ascendant or as per rasi. Mars is the karakan for the mangalam. According to the rule “Karako Bhava Nasti”, Mars should not be in the mangalyasthanam. If Mars is in the 8th place the fertility of Mangalyam will be reduced and so late marriage is for the native. The above said Doshas may be the reason for the late marriage.

Remedies: – Do(1) Ghat Vivah for male

(2) Vat Vivah, (3) Shaligram Vivah for female only

(4) Wear Saptmesha Bisa Yantra pendent.

(5) Wear mangal Bisa yantra pendent. 

Conclusion:- In this Blog the various cause for delay in marriage and how the doshas works with marriage are given in details. In the given data even born in the dasa of Budha, in the dasa of sukra,surya and Chandra the marriage was not happened. But in Mars dasa, the planet Mars is in the 2nd house and it is in his own star chittra and made some what good regarding marriage. Moreover n Gocharam at that time Saturn and Jupiter were at Aries and Jupiter aspected the 5th house of the native. The conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter at Aries removed obstacles in the way of marriage. Even though the planet Jupiter is in Scorpio in Rasi Chakkram it is in Sagittarius in Bhava and moreover it is in the star of Jyesta which is for Mercury planet which owns Virgo, the family sthanam. So in Mars dasa period in Jupiter Bukthi marriage was arranged suddenly. Hence the astrologer has to see various details regarding the position of planets, the dasa, bukthi etc. while calculating the time of marriage.

Contact: Dr. Jitendra Vyas


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