Luv compatibility of Radha-Krishna

Love compatibility of Radha and Krishna: An Astrological Interpretation

Radha & krishna1)  Love and Compatibility: What makes a “perfect” relationship? First and foremost there has to be love. What is love? It means caring more for another person than I do for myself. The “purer” or “truer” the love the more extreme that dynamic becomes.Pure and true love is non-existent in the material world. How can I say that? Because all of us are “hardwired” with survival instincts on physical, practical and emotional levels. This hardwiring results from our attachments to the illusions of who we think we are and are not. Being hardwired with a certain unavoidable amount of selfish instinct, it is not possible to experience true and pure love in a material relationship. Alright, then. What makes a perfect material relationship?

Again, love, but this time normal love; relative love. Relative to what? Relative to our compatibility.

When we meet a person who is extremely compatible with us, we “fall in love.” Why? Because we have complimentary desires, conceptions, feelings and practical situations. When we meet a person whose desires compliment our own we fall in love as a result of compatibility.

A “perfect” relationship in this world is one in which the two partners have a great deal of compatibility in all four areas: desires, conceptions, feelings and practical situations.

(A) Astrology of compatibility: Venus is the planet of desire1. The Sun is the planet of conceptions2. The Moon is the planet of feelings3. The Ascendant is the point of practical situations. These are the four most important planets to asses for compatibility, particularly compatibility of a romantic flavor.

When two people meet who have Venus, the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant in “compatible” astrological configurations they feel they have met “the one” for them, and fall deeply in love. When two people meet with significant incompatibility in these four areas they feel spontaneous repulsion and disgust for one another. Real problems happen in between these two extremes.4

In between is where it gets really messy; when you meet a person who really is great for you on one level but terrible for you on another. For example compatible Venus may make you have undeniable mutual attraction, yet incompatible Moons will make that mutual attraction give rise mostly to emotional grief. The value of astrologically figuring out a relationship before tying your heart-strings around someone else’s incompatibilities cannot be underestimated.

2) Rasa of divine couple: Let’s get back to talking about the perfect relationship! I mentioned that it is not possible in the material world. It is possible in the spiritual world. The perfect relationship of absolutely pure love exists in the Divine Couple: the Goddess of Devotion, Sri Radha, and the God of Love, Sri Krishna.

Now and then the divine couple manifests their spiritual relationship in the material world so we can get our priorities straight and set our sights on attaining enlightenment. This happens on time scales of hundreds of thousands of years, mind you. So saying that it occurred roughly 5,000 years ago is really saying it was quite a recent event.

Her connection to Krishna is of two types: svakiya-rasa (married relationship) and parakiya-rasa (a relationship signified with eternal mental “love”). The Gaudiya tradition focuses upon parakiya-rasa as the  highest form of love, wherein Radha and Krishna share thoughts even through separation. The love the gopis feel for Krishna is also described in this esoteric manner as the highest platform of spontaneous love of God, and not of a sexual nature5.

Proponents of the Gaudiya and Nimbarka schools of Vaishnavism give the highly esoreric nature of Radha’s relationship to Krishna as the reason why her story is not mentioned in detail in the other Puranic texts.6

3) Birth Chart of Krishna: Krishna’s Ascendant is Taurus and his Moon is also here and at exalted potency. Taurus is the feminine sign of Venus. Thus Krishna had exalted beauty and femininity is all aspects of his body and mind. In fact he is known as “Bhagawan” – which means that he is the Supreme Attractive Person. The impact of beautiful and sensuous Venus on Krishna’s body and mind is extremely amplified by powerful Ketu.

Krishna’s Ascendant Lord Venus is with Saturn in the 6th House of Enemies and Krishna always had troubles from enemies. But he vanquished them all one by one, more from his intellect than from brute force. This is shown from intelligent and quick moving Mercury in the skillful 5th House.7

KrKrishna Horoishna’s love affairs are nothing short of scandalous in the highest degree to the untrained eye with conventional moral standards. Just see scandalous and misfit Rahu sits powerfully in the 7th House of Krishna’s romance. Krishna had hundreds and thousands of wives another effect of the supercharged amplifier Rahu in this house of marriage and romance.8sri-krishna

Mars is exalted in Krishna’s 9th House of Morality. Thus although he is well known for his playful romantic escapades, he is equally well known as the speaker of the moral masterpiece, Bhagavad-Gita and a king who upheld justice and morality in his society.9

Jupiter in the 11th House of Pleasure made Krishna’s pleasures and friends to be the highest and most excellent imaginable. Sun in the 4th House Aries gives Krishna exalted artistic skills and mastery over the emotions and affections of others.10

4 ) About Radha the Goddess of Devotion and  Birth Chart of Sri Radha: In(IAST: Rādhā,), also called RadhikaRadharani and Radhikarani, is a Hindu goddess who is almost alwaysdepicted alongside krishna and features prominently within the theology of today’s Vallabha and Gaudiva Vaishnava  sects, which regards Radha as the original Goddess or Shakti. Radha is also the principal god of worship in theNimarka Samradav , as Nimabarka , the founder of the tradition, declared that Radha and Krishna together constitute the absolute truth .11 Radha is the most important gopi  in Raas (Special kind of dance) with Lord Krishna. Radha is often referred to as Rādhārānī or “Radhika” in speech, prefixed with the respectful term ‘Srimati’ by devout followers. 12,13,14  Gaudiya Radha Rani HoroVaishnavas, believe that in fact Radha is the original source from whom Goddess lakshmi  emanated15. We know from the same line of enlightened authority that Sri Radha appears exactly one “paksha” after Krishna. That is, she appears in exactly the same phase of the Moon, except Krishna appears when it is waning and she appears while it is waxing. We also know that Krishna’s chart results from a midnight birth and Radha’s chart results from a midday birth.

sri-radha Accepting these facts from enlightened souls, to get Sri Radha’s chart all we have to do is progress Krishna’s chart about 2 weeks. However, take note that Krishna’s chart shows the two fast planets, Venus and Mercury placed near their absolute greatest distance from the Sun. Therefore they would be moving very slowly and perhaps not at all during the two weeks between Krishna’s birth and Radha’s. The Sun would have traveled 15 degrees between Krishna’s birth and Radha’s. The other planets would not have moved much at all. The Moon would be exactly opposite, in Anuradha nakshatra, which is a portion of Scorpio. Thus we can calculate Sri Radha’s chart.16

5) General rules of Astrological Compatibility: To do compatibility astrology I first need “birth charts” for both people. A birth chart is a map of which planets were in which signs at the time a person was born. Then I evaluate the distance from a specific planet in chart of the first partner to the same planet in the chart of the second partner. For example-If both partners have Venus in Leo, I say that their Venus’s are in the same sign. If one partner has the Sun in Virgo while the other has the Sun in Leo, these Suns are one sign away from each other. If one partner has the Moon in Scorpio, and the other has the Moon in Capricorn, their Moons are 3 signs apart. If one has the Ascendant in Taurus and the other in Scorpio their

Ascendants are “opposite.”17 Based on these distances then make basic, fundamental interpretations:

Opposite – When planets are in opposite signs, for example Virgo and Pisces, you have the strongest, most compelling type of compatibility. It is a compatibility brought on by each partner providing what the other lacks and needs. It is a volatile, passionate, strong compatibility.18

Same – When planets are in the same sign, you get the next strongest compatibility, brought on by the partners sharing things in common. It is not as exciting and dynamic as opposites, but is still strong and good.19

Trine – If the planets are four signs apart they can be called “trine.” For example, Leo is trine to Sagittarius and Aries. This is a compatible situation brought about by each partner having a balance of sameness and difference on a given topic. Couples with trine compatibility will quietly, mildly but confidently understand and complement one another.20

Sextile – If the planets are 2 signs apart they are basically “sextile.” This is the least dramatic or desirable of the compatible situations. Couples with sextile compatibility do understand and complement each other, but do so very passively. For example, Aquarius is sextile to Aries and Sagittarius.21

Now, the types of incompatibility:

Neighbors – If the planets you are examining are just 1 sign apart, they are “neighbors.” For example Gemini and Aries are neighbors of Taurus. This is the least dramatic or undesirable of the incompatible situations. It causes couples to passively and mildly misunderstand and interfere with one another on the given subject.22

Distance – If the planets are 5 signs apart, they are “distant.” For example Libra and Sagittarius are distant from Taurus. This is an incompatible situation which causes the couple to cancel out their energies and interfere with one another.

Clashing Square – If the planets are 3 signs away from one another they are basically “square.” For example Aries and Libra are square to Capricorn. This is the most incompatible situation. It cause the couple to have mutually strong attitudes towards the given subject, but strong attitudes that clash. so if we have a couple with opposite Ascendants (one in Taurus the other in Scorpio), we know they have a very dynamic and attractive compatibility in practical ways. That same couple has Venus in the same sign, so we know they understand one another’s desires and share similar wants and goals in life. These two people, however, have the Sun 1 sign away from each other – which means that when it comes to their conceptions about themselves, their ego, their identity, their authority – on those topics they will run into some mild misunderstandings and interference. Finally we see that their Moon’s are sextile, so we know that their emotions and emotional outlook are not incompatible with one another. Overall it appears to be Fundamentally good relationship to pursue.23

Omitted Details– Now you know the basics of how relationship astrology works. Let me stress that these are the basics by pointing to some of the missing details.

It’s not only important how my Venus interacts with your Venus, for example, it is also important how my Venus interacts with your Sun, Moon and Ascendant. The same basic rules of interpretation apply. If your Ascendant is opposite my Venus, for example, we will have compelling compatibility in practical desires. In this manner, an astrologer interprets all the primary nuances of a relationship.

Finally, degrees are crucial. I have a mathematical formula to work it all out, which I will kind of guard like a “trade secret.” But basically the closer the planets are together by degree, the stronger the effect of their particular type of compatibility or incompatibility.

6) Love and Relationship Compatibility of Radha and Krishna: Their Ascendants are opposite. Their Moons are opposite. Their Venus is the same and their Suns are the same! Their fundamental compatibility is made of the best ingredients sameness and opposites.

You might argue that it would be better if all four planets were opposite. But the alignment of opposites has a flaw in that it is too volatile at times. You might than argue that all four planets should be in the same signs. But the alignment of sameness has a flaw of familiarity and boredom. So the divine couple has the perfect balance of opposites and same – getting the benefits of both and counteracting the flaws of either.

Not just the four basic relationship planets – everything in their chart is either opposite or the same, from perspective of signs or houses. Thus they have an absolute balance of the two best forms of compatibility – opposites attracting and sameness enduring. 24

If everything is too “perfect,” it detracts from the actual perfection because everything becomes too easy. Therefore you see some small “flaws” in the compatibility – particularly in that relationship of their Venus’ to their Ascendants. This means that a lot of practical considerations about their lives stood in the way of their being able to freely meet all the time and fulfill their mutual desires. This is the catalyst that keeps their relationship always relish able and exciting.

Relationships are best when they face obstacles that can be surmounted, small flaws. If a relationship is too easy it gets boring and flounders like an overwatered plant. If it is too difficult, it withers and dies like an unwatered plant. The small flaws of practical obstacles to their being able to meet and express their mutual love serve to make the flowering vine of their divine love an ever fresh, exciting, enjoyable, thrilling eternal relationship.25

Contemplating this mantra I am delighted to will find abundant beautiful symmetries which perfectly express the realities of the relationship of the Divine Couple, some of which I have just tried to express in evaluating their astrological compatibility. All the balance and symmetry in their relationship reflects in their mantra.26

I particularly notice that sometimes “hare” is with “krishna” while sometimes they are separate. This overall astounding beauty and symmetry of the mantra reflects wondrously balanced beauty of their relationship compatibility – while the small balances of union and separation reflect the small apparent “flaws” which serve to heighten and excited the relationship, making it eternally new and enticing.


1 Saravali/ Chapter 4/ skolka 26/ Pg. 21

2. Saravali/ Chapter 4/ skolka 21/ Pg. 20

3. Saravali/ Chapter 4/ skolka 21/ Pg. 20                                 

4. Jyorik: Vedang Jyotish ki Prasangikta/ Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas/ Articles/ 2012

5. Illuminations on the Essential Meaning of Gayatri | Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Ashram” Retrieved 2010-11.

6. Swami Tripurari, “Sri Radha: Indirectly the Absolute”, Sanga, 1999.

7. Manasagri/ Chapter- Grahaphaladhyay/ skolka  1,6, 6 / Pg. 97,106,108  

8. Manasagri/ Chapter- Grahaphaladhyay/ skolka 7 / Pg.110

9. Manasagri/ Chapter- Grahaphaladhyay/ skolka 9 / Pg.101

10 Manasagri/ Chapter- Grahaphaladhyay/ skolka 6, 11 / Pg. 93, 105

11. H.Wilson, ‘English Translation’, Motilal Banarsidas Publishers, 1990 reprint

12. Encyclopaedia of Hindu gods and goddesses By Suresh Chandra

13. “Radha – Goddess Radha, Sri Radharani, Radha-Krishna, Radhika”. Retrieved 2010-11-

14. Radha in Hinduism. In devotional religion she represents the longing of the human soul for God: The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, 2006,

15. Illuminations on the Essential Meaning of Gayatri| Sri Narasingha Chaitanya Ashram”. Retrieved2010-11.

16. StriJatkam/ Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas/ Sloka 8,10,13 / Pg.128,137,138 

17. Brihad Parashar Horashastra/ Sloka 16, 28/ Pg. 125, 127

18. SarvSangrah/ Sloka 67/ Pg. 45

19. Saravali/ Chapter 3/ Sloka 34/ Pg. 13

20. Jyotish tatva Prakash / Chapter 4/ Sloka 8 / Pg. 142

21. Jyotish tatva Prakash / Chapter 4/ Sloka 10 / Pg. 142

22. Brihad Parashar Horashastra/ Chapter 2 /  Sloka 3/ Pg. 6 

23. Jyotish tatva Prakash / Chapter 4/ Sloka 7 / Pg. 142

24.  Bhrigusutra- An ancient asset of India/ Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas / 1-9 Grahaphaladhyay

25. Vedang Jyotisham / Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas / Collection of research papers. /2015  

26.  Grah Vigyan our Aadhunik Samsyaein: Karan evam Niwaran / Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas / Melapak/ 2014

Blog no. 51, Date: 27/2/2016

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