Signification of Houses

Signification of Houses by Dr. Pt. Jitendra Vyas

kundli-placesThe twelve houses of zodiac represent all the aspects of existence at the terrestrial as well as individual level. The houses from the lagna to seventh represent the right half of the body of the native (and the left half of the body of his spouse). Those from the seventh to the lagna represent his left half and the right half of his spouse. In this blog I have explained & discussed about all the 12 houses and their respective areas including medical astrology.

First House: It includes body, fame, strength, character, courage, knowledge or lack of it, residence, place of birth, dignity, honour, ancestry, livelihood, the present wisdom, wealth, comforts and discomforts, self-respect, peace of mind, happiness and un-happiness, detachment, virtues and vices, health of parents.

In medical astrology first House : Body in general, limbs, complexion, marks or moles on the body, sound and unsound health, skin texture, longevity, sleep, head, brain, texture of hair, stamina.

Second House : Wealth, speech, physical enjoyments, trading in ornaments, pearls and diamonds, buying or selling in general, accumulation of wealth, earning through self-effort, acquisitions from father, truthfulness and falsehood, inclinations, food, taste, clothes, eloquence, humility, steadiness of mind, learning education, letters, anger, deceitfulness, family members, friends, enemies, servants, close followers, self-control, death.

In medical astrology Second House: Face, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, nose, nails, speech, eyes (right eye).

Third House : Courage and valour, physical fitness, hobbies, talent, education, good qualities, siblings, longevity of parents, tolerance, capability, quality and nature of food, selfishness, sports, fights, refuge, trading, dreams. Sorrows, stability of mind, neighborhood, near relations, friends, army, inheritance, ornaments, cleverness, short journeys.

In medical astrology Third House: Ears (right ear), neck, throat, shoulders, bones, upper limbs, mental instability, physical growth, and longevity.

Fourth House : Near and dear ones, caste and ancestry, mother, relatives on mother’s side, lands and houses, agriculture, farming, gardens, orchards, installations, buildings, parliament favours from the ruler, medicine, education, knowledge of land and geography, hidden treasures, comforts and discomforts, courage, faith, victory and defeat, perfumes, clothes, milk, digging, agricultural produce, vehicles, possession of cattle, horses and elephants

In medical astrology Forth House: Chest, lungs, heart, breast, potent, medicine.

Fifth House: Progeny, father, mental ability, learning, knowledge, scholarship, character, conception, prosperity, acquisitions through wife, fascination (for women), sharp, wisdom, discrimination and analytical skill, capability, devotion to gods, means of earning, official seal, good or bad memory, speculation, humiliation, authorship, shruti (Vedas), Smrtii, knowledge of mantras, karmas of past lives.

In medical astrology Fifth House: Heart, upper abdomen, liver, gall bladder, mind, mental illness, Problems related to pregnancy.

Sixth House : Enemies, oppositions, mental agitation, injuries, accident, disease, wounds sustained in war, loans, debts, losses, disappointments, obstacles, poisions, slanders, humiliation, cruelty, indulgence in prohibited acts, theft, quarrels, imprisonment, maternal uncles, maternal aunt, step-mother, pets, cattle, flavours of food, servants, subordinates, nuisances in general.

In medical astrology Sixth House: Intestines, umbilical region, phlegmatic illness, tuberculosis, eye disease, poisoning, accidents, operations.

Seventh House : Spouse, sex partner, marriage, adultery, lust or passion, nature or character of spouse, sexual union, secret love affairs, journey, deviation from ones path, partnership in business, overt enemies, quarrels, theft, loss of memory, recovery of lost wealth, progress, attainment of status, grandfather, brother’s son death.

In medical astrology Seventh House: Lower urinary tract, anal canal, semen, seminal vesicle, urethra, prostrate, sexual act.

Eighth House : Marital Status of the woman, longevity, death, obstacle, disgrace, defeat, discontinuity, suddenness, unexpectedness, misery, loss of memory, sin, killing a living being, capital punishment, nature of death, place of death, wickedness, father’s indebtedness, deviation from unexpected norms, frightful place, difficult route, crevices, finding faults, humiliation, wife’s wealth, sudden unexpected gain, hidden talents, spiritual pursuits and attainments, inheritance, son of the elder sister.

In medical astrology Eighth House: External genitalia, incurable or chronic disease, loss of limb, longevity, cause of death, severe mental anguish. 

Ninth House : Virtuous deeds, pilgrimages, worship, religious inclination, devotional and religious learning, karmas of the present birth, splendor, association with virtuous, auspiciousness, the preceptor or guru, father, austerity, penance, charity, kindness, wisdom, knowledge, devotion towards the preceptor, spiritual initiation, mental quietude, fame and fortune, progeny, temples, vedic rituals, long journeys, travel by sea.

In medical astrology Ninth House: Hips, thighs, nourishment.

Tenth House : Profession, function, source of livelihood, governmental service, honour from the king, business, status, wealth, political power, fame, progress, nature of work, professional inclination, the treating physician, hidden treasure, prescribed course, teaching capability, self-control, dominance, sacrificing nature, proficiency, father’s wealth and well-being, foreign travel, financial status, place of residence, performance of sacred and religious deeds.

In medical astrology Tenth House: knee joint, knee cap.

Eleventh House: Legs, left ear, left upper limb, recovery from disease.

Eleventh house : Gains of all the nature, income, acquisition, fulfillment of desires, nature of earning, arrival, rewards, recognition, favors from ruler, special status, proficiency, learning, ancestral property, fondness for the precious stones, lost wealth, pursuit of pious and religious deeds, profits and returns, elder brother, paternal uncle, longevity of the mother, material enjoyments.

In medical astrology Eleventh House: Legs, left ear, left upper limb, recovery from disease.

Twelfth House : Expenditure, loss of wealth, spending money for prescribed or prohibited pursuits, pleasures of the bed, bedroom, mental anguish, loss of sleep, physical disease, wickedness, penury, loss or disease of a limb, loss of authority, imprisonment, confinement in an enemy’s house, loss of spouse, exit from world, emancipation, renunciation, distant travel, foreign land, emigration, loss in travel, paternal property, spiritual learning, secret learning, fear from overt and covert enemies.

In medical astrology Twelfth House: Sleep disorders, mental imbalance, Hospitalization, feet, left eye, death.

Blog no. 38, Date 7/9/2015

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