PREDICTION OF JUPITER TRANSITS blog written by Dr. Jitendra Vyas

DSC_0428Jupiter is supposed to be the planet of “good luck”. Sure you can feel good when Jupiter comes around. Too good. When Jupiter leaves, so does the “luck”. And you may be a few pounds heavier as well. The influence of Jupiter is to expand things, and that can include your waistline. On the positive side, Jupiter transits are generally a good time to make that extra effort. In this transit you may not want to push harder. But if you don’t, you can miss some really good opportunities. Another way to handle a Jupiter transit is to schedule some important project to reach a critical point around the time that the Jupiter hits. No, it’s still not a guarantee of success, but it does increase the odds in your favor.

1) Jupiter Transits Through Your First House: By itself, this transit tends to bring new opportunities. The danger is that you will feel so good that you won’t do anything. Another problem is that you can gain weight at this time. The 1st House does rule appearance and Jupiter makes this larger, so watch your diet. Jupiter is also the ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of wisdom and philosophy. This transit can enable you to get the big picture. Jupiter going through your 1st House helps you understand. Optimism tends to increase. It’s a good time to make long range plans. Just be careful not to make them too big.

2) Jupiter Transits Through Your Second House: Income tends to take a jump upward, especially if you are self employed or get paid commissions. The downside is that you may “feel” so rich that you don’t watch spending, and, before you know it, that feeling is all the wealth you have left. Do yourself a favor and put a savings plan together before Jupiter gets here. Remember that Saturn will also hit you here eventually and that’s when you have to pay the piper.

3) Jupiter Transits Through Your Third House: This is the house of communications, short trips, neighbors, and siblings. Jupiter transiting here can be a good time to buy a new car. Be careful to set a spending limit though. Jupiter can produce overconfidence, and that leads to overspending. Relationships with siblings and neighbors can improve now, even if they are good to begin with. If you are in school during this transit, learning becomes easier. Saturn transiting here may mean you have to study. Jupiter, by contrast, is more likely to be fun. If you have to do any writing or public speaking, the Jupiter effect will be a great help. It increases confidence and makes communications easier. The downside is that overconfidence can also set in and you don’t prepare, or worse, blurt out something embarrassing. As always, check other transits to make certain there are no contrary influences. For instance, if Saturn and Neptune happen to make transiting stress aspects to your natal Mercury while Jupiter is going through your 3rd House, the only thing to get expanded will be irrational fears.

4) Jupiter Transits Through Your Fourth House: A good time for real-estate deals or to fix up the house. Home should feel more comfortable now, unless, of course, it is small. Jupiter transiting here can make you feel claustrophobic. If you can, look for a larger place, or, at least, one with a view. Relations with anyone you live with generally run smoother with this transit.

5) Jupiter Transits Through Your Fifth House: This house rules romance, creativity, children, gambling, speculation, sports, games, and hobbies. Unless you are in a coma, get ready for some fun. As always with Jupiter transits, be careful not to overdo it. And don’t think that because Jupiter rules “luck” and the 5th House is gambling that you can win the lottery. Sure Jupiter can improve odds in your favor. Instead of being 10,000,000 to 1 against you, they will only be 5,000,000 to 1. Please note that they are still against you.

6) Jupiter Transits Through Your Sixth House: Years ago, when this hit me, I was looking for a teaching job. I applied to 5 different places and got accepted at 4 of them. Twelve years later, I had an office job that I didn’t like but I saw Jupiter coming around again and it was going to make a trine to my natal Venus in the 10th House (career). But I was building up my astrology practice and I didn’t want a full time job. Unfortunately, I just couldn’t think of any part- time position that could pay enough. The day that Jupiter made that trine, I got a call from the chairman of the chemistry department of a local college (someone I hadn’t heard from in 3 years) who offered me a part-time teaching job for the semester. I hadn’t even applied. Jupiter transiting your 6th House is usually a great time to look for a new job or to have an easier time on your old one. Of course, you have to check the other aspects that are hitting you. Saturn, for instance, affecting this house at the same time, will tend to cancel out the Jupiter effect. Perhaps transiting Neptune is making a square to a planet in your 6th House. That can make you see opportunities where there aren’t any. Even without a contrary indication, with Jupiter there is always a danger of feeling so good that you don’t get anything done. Maybe that job you hate seems to be getting better, so you figure “Why change now?” Because Jupiter will only be hitting you for about a year. That’s why. Don’t blow it. Other books will tell you that health tends to be a little better during this transit. Better than what? Better than it was the year before. What they don’t mention is that you can become over optimistic about your health and do things like putting off that check up. That is not a good idea. And since the Jupiter influence is expansive, you have to watch your weight more closely. Jupiter may increase “luck”, but it is not a friend of dieters.

7) Jupiter Transits Through Your Seventh House: This is the house of marriage, partnership, and one-to-one relationships in general. It rules any relationship where the other person is dealt with as an equal. Ironically, this means that it also rules “open” enemies as well as marriage partners. Of course, some people will find that all too true. Jupiter transiting here does Not mean that you will be getting married. All it does is make relationships and partnerships easier. In fact, this is a good time to be extra cautious about entering into any sort of partnership because, in the area of our life where Jupiter is transiting, we tend to be overoptimistic. And, as always with Jupiter transits, we can feel so good that we let things drift. As a result, we don’t get anything done. If you are in a contact business, like sales, this can be a very good transit. Jupiter moving through the 7th House will tend to bring you better prospects and more business.

8) Jupiter Transits Through Your Eighth House: This is the house of sex and credit. I fondly remember what happened when Jupiter went through my 8th House years ago. Five banks sent me unsolicited credit cards. That’s all that happened. And when Saturn entered my 8th House a few years later, I became aware of how much I ran them up. It’s important to remember that Jupiter can also mean “Too much of a good thing”. This is the house that rules other people’s money and resources. Jupiter transiting your 8th House is a good time to apply for bank loans. Careful not to overextend yourself. Yes, this is also the house of inheritance, but that can’t happen every day. If somebody does leave you some money or possessions while Jupiter is transiting here, the transfer tends to become easier. Or you could get more than you expect. That’s all. Jupiter transiting here does not mean that someone else will die. If you are in a business that depends on access to credit or other people’s resources, you should do much better at this time. And as far as the sex goes, it doesn’t necessarily mean more. But Jupiter transiting your 8th House could make you relax and enjoy it more.

9) Jupiter Transits Through Your Ninth House: A good time to do 9th House things. Take that long trip you’ve always been dreaming about. Go back to school. Study something on your own. Broaden your horizons. Read those books, especially if they are about more abstract subjects, such as philosophy. Shouldn’t people do these things anyway? Yes, but Jupiter transiting your 9th House means that these things will tend to go easier and you are more likely to enjoy them. This transit is less good for learning specific subjects or skills. These are ruled by the 3rd House. The 9th House deals more with general things, getting the big picture. On the negative side, there may be a tendency to think you know it all, that something you have just learned has given you all the answers and you just have to force it down everyone else’s throat. People who are like that normally can become unbearable during this transit. This is also a good time to write something that you intend to publish. No, it doesn’t guarantee that it will be published (and nowadays with the internet, that shouldn’t be a problem). But the odds are increased in your favor.

10) Jupiter Transits Through Your Tenth House: A good time to seek career advancement. Of course, if you are 8 years old, all this will mean is that teachers will tend to like you better (the 10th House is “the boss”). If you are 97 and in an old age home, you will get along better with the staff. For the rest of us, this is a good time to move ahead. As is usual with Jupiter, you may feel so confident that you don’t make the extra effort, and in a few months, the transit is gone. Don’t waste this time. If you want to change jobs, or even careers, with Jupiter, some “luck” will seem to come to you unsought. Perhaps a promotion or raise. Or your “public image” could expand. Circumstances could cause more people to know you or be aware of you. Maybe that call-in talk show will finally take your call.

11) Jupiter Transits Through Your Eleventh House: Your circle of friends tends to expand under this influence, especially if they come from backgrounds that are very different from yours. This is also a very good time to join groups or organizations. Got some cause to crusade for? Go for it. Other people are more likely to give help now, whether you ask for it or not. Yes, this is a good time to hit friends for loans. As always with a Jupiter transit, try not to overdo it. Remember that Jupiter transits through a house in about a year. Don’t overextend because when Jupiter leaves, you could be left high and dry with loans that you spent but can’t pay back.

12) Jupiter Transits Through Your Twelfth House: This is the house of hidden enemies and self-undoing. Well, Jupiter transiting here can protect you. You are less likely to be mugged while Jupiter is in this house. Some books say that you are inclined to be more “spiritual” during this transit. They never define what “spiritual” means. In fact, I have never seen a good definition of that term anywhere. There may be an increased interest in stories that are mystical in nature, but one is just as likely to feel good about doing themselves in with their favorite dissipations. As always with Jupiter transits, watch out for excess.

Blog no. 104, Date: 25/9/2017

Contact: Dr. Jitendra Vyas


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